EEG headsets we found which use wired only connectivity: the Neurofax EEG-1200 & the Emotiv EPOC Flex 32

Last Updated on September 10, 2024 by

The Neurofax EEG-1200 has 32 channels:

The Emotiv EPOC Flex 32 has 32 channels as well:

  • EMOTIV says the USB receiver dongle works quite well.
  • The protocol uses low transmit and receive power so you need to set up properly to reduce packet loss.
  • EMOTIV recommends using a USB extension cable and positioning the receiver away from other devices.
  • With a clear line of sight to the headset.
  • Under these conditions they typically see a usable range of about 5 meters.
  • Emotiv EPOC Flex supports Bluetooth 4.0 which cannot keep up with the high data rate of 32 EEG channels.
  • Therefore to use the USB receiver dongle is recommended for the 32 channel device:
  • One reason not to use a wired EEG connection is that this eventually could not be save for humans, as discussed here:

But we suppose this problem is solved with the Neurofax EEG-1200 & the Emotiv EPOC Flex 32. If to use a wired connectivity with the Emotiv 32, which should this not work with PiEEG, too. We invite EEG device testers and builders to participate in this discussion.