Radxa ZERO 3W w – is he finally there, the Raspberry Pi Zero Killer?

Last Updated on September 9, 2024 by pg@petergamma.org

Peter Gamma from www.petergamma.org is highly interested in SBCs in the zero size. The most used is as far was we know currently the Raspberry Pi zero 2 w. For this device DietPi is recommended because of the only 512 MB RAM:

DietPi is not for everyone, it has no desktop. Therefore it would be highly desirable to have an alternative. Three years ago, ETA PRIME introduced the Radxa Zero as a Raspberry Pi Zero Killer:

But it was not. It was powerful. But even the Raxda Zero 2 was mainly a SBC for gamers, as the YouTube video maker Micro Linux has shown:

We did not find any demos which would show that the Raxda zero (2) it is a device which would fit for our applications. The Radxa zero 3 w is better now. Radxa is a company located in China:


Radxa has a forum which is great:


Here is a YouTube review of the Radxa ZERO 3W by Platima Tinkers, an excellent SBC reviewer from Australia:

Pros: (according to the Platima Tinker)

  • it has usb-c 3.0 (the Orange Pi zero 2 has only usb 2)
  • it boots fast, faster as the Orange Pi zero 2 w


  • How long is Radxa on the market?
  • We do not know much about Radxa
  • In the example of the Mango Pi quad, a SBC in which we where also intested already disappeared from the market.
  • This shows how quickly SBCs disappear from the marked, even if they have good ratings.
  • How is this with Raxda?
  • A company name which causes me often problems to type the name correctly.
  • I had the same problems with typing «MangoPi MQ-Quad» by MangoPi.
  • In contrast, Orange P’s are on the market since many years.
  • There SBC names are easier to type.
  • But it is not not so easy to see through the model stragedy of Orange, if there is one.
  • We did not find many offers on Aliexpress and eBay for the Radxa Zero 3 w.
  • Orange for comparison has a big variety of offers for instance on eBay and Aliexpress.
  • We suppose there are lesser issues with availability with Orange SBCs than with Radxa SBCs.
  • Orange is on the market for a longer period and availability was stable even during Corona.
  • We do not know much about the availability of Radxa SBCs.
  • We are looking for a SBC for mobile use.
  • We suggest to use only passive cooling for mobile use.
  • Active coolers draw a lot of power.
  • Therefore we prefer a SBC which draws little power, these are for instance the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 w or the Orange Pi zero 2 w.
  • The Raxda zero 2 w has a very slow wifi.

According to the video review of Platima Tinkers the hardware of the Raxda Zero 2 w is good, but the software and documentation are in a stage which costed him a lot of time. But he says it is still much better than the Rasbperry Pi zero. Software and documentation are not recommended by Platima Tinkers.