We invite you to help us to find out what is wrong with PiEEG

Last Updated on September 9, 2024 by pg@petergamma.org

PiEEG is in danger. It seems that hardly anyone seems to buy PiEEG. On Elecrow, PiEEG is available, then not available. Currently it is on stock again:


But for instance HackEEG has disappeared from the market as well. There is only little competition with EEG devices. We suppose that EEG devices up to around 50 000 USD will sooner or later be replaced by devices which are based on InfluxDB. The electronic components for a 32 channel EEG device are estimated around 700 USD. Here an instruction how such a device can be built in principle:

But to build up such a device is currently still time consuming. PiEEG would be simpler. Currently a g.tec medical multi-purpose heatset with 32 channels and accessoires costs around 50 000 USD. The OpenBCI Galea with 16 physiological channels is sold for 30 000 USD in the www.openbci.com store. Www.openbci.com advertised to be low-cost high-quality. But a EEG heatset with 16 channels still costs 2 000 USD in the www.openbci.com store, and it offers only Bluetooth tranmission.

OpenBCI modules are also offered on eBay and Aliexpress, and they cost less there. User reported that these modules have issues. But we suppose these issues can be resolved, if you have advanced soft- and hardware skills. But still people seem to buy mainly products from www.openbci.com. The forum is alive, but not the forum of PiEEG. The architecture of PiEEG would be in principle superior to OpenBCI Cyton. It is a combination of a ADS1299 EEG chip with a Raspberry Pi single board computer. There are rumours that PiEEG has issues with noise. Can they be resolved?

The issues of OpenBCI modules sold on eBay and Aliexpress where published in the www.openbci.com forum. And Peter Gamma from www.petergamma.org has reported how these issues eventually can be resolved. There where also demos forArduEEG. Does AdruEEG have lesser issues with noise? But AdruEEG is not on the market so that we would be able to test it. There where reports that PiEEG is a prototype of A.J. Keller, the CEO of Neurosity Crown. Neurosity Crown also consists of a 8 channel EEG device combined with a single board computer, as PiEEG. Therefore we suppose Neurosity Crown is a successsor model of PiEEG. What are the changes in Neurosity Crown as compared to PiEEG? Neurosity Crown does not use a Raspberry Pi 4, the single board computer they use must be smaller, a Raspberry Pi 4 would not fit in the Crown case. Www.openbci.com or Texas Instruments, or who ever it is seem to offer demo devices for www.openbci.com products, for instance to write papers:

But not PiEEG. But we still think it is worth testing PiEEG, and if PiEEG has issues, to report about it in the PiEEG forum. PiEEG has a 30 days money back garantie, you have to indicate no reason for your return. OpenBCI modules sold on eBay and Aliexpress where tested, and user reported about their issues in the www.openbci.com forum. Peter Gamma from www.petergamma.org reported how these issues eventually can be resolved. And the same could happen with PiEEG in the PiEEG forum.