Home Assistant on Orange Pi single board computers?

Last Updated on September 6, 2024 by pg@petergamma.org

Due to negative experiences during Corona with Raspberry Pi single board computers, we are looking for alternatives to those. We are evaluating the Orange Pi 5 and the Orange Pi zero 2 for this purpose. And advantage of those is that the availablity of Orange SBCs was not an issue even during Corona. And for both of them is support in the armbian forum:

Home Assistant is a good starting point to do some tests with physiological sensors, for instance smartwatches:

An alternative SBC for Home Assistant would be the Odroid single board computer:


But we would prever Orange SBCs. We found this information about the Orange Pi 5 and Home Assistant in the Home Assistant forum:

«This has been discussed at length. Search is your friend.
Short answer – unless you’re linux-friendly and/or married to that hardware, it will be easier to return it and get something you can run HAOS on.»


It still would be highly desirable that an expert for Home Assistant makes an image for Home Assistant for the Orange Pi SBCs. We are looking for alternatives for Rasperry Pi for our application. But haven t found it yet. But if you are a developer, we think it is worth
testing if your application also runs on alternative SBCs as for
instance the Orange Pi’s.

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