The MangoPi Pi MQ-Quad is not available anymore – where can we find a Raspberry Pi zero 2 alternative?

Last Updated on September 7, 2024 by

The MangoPi MQ-QUAD was «A True Raspberry Pi Zero 2 Competitor»

Due to negative experiences with Raspberry Pi during Corona we are also looking for alternatives to the Raspberry Pi zero 2 w. We miss the Mango Pi MQ-Quad. MangoPi also has no forum anymore. But MangoPi still sells the Mango Pi MQ-Pro which is a RISC-V single board computer:

As we discussed previously on, the Orange Pi 5 is already a good alternative to the Rasbperry Pi 5 for specialized applications, and eventually also the Orange Pi Zero 2W:

But we currently did not find an alternative to the Raspberry Pi zero 2 w which would be interesting for us personally. But the Raspberry Pi zero 2 w was used also during Corona available on eBay for around 120 USD. Older or less popular Raspberry Pi s where on stock on eBay even during the last Corona. And we invite you to trust on the stock of Raspberry Pi s on eBay. Only the Rapsberry Pi 4 went up to around 200 – 300 USD, a price this SBC was not worth it for us personally. So if you stick now to the Raspberry Pi 4 until the Raspberry Pi 6 comes out, you should still find used devices on eBay during the next Corona, according to our own little experience during the last Corona.

We invite you to support the Orange Pi zero 2 w with armbian:

It has up to 4 GB Ram and runs fast. There is a comparison of these devices:

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