Clear signs of violation of competition laws by Texas Instruments ADS1299 EEG product sellers?

Last Updated on September 5, 2024 by

A view years ago, a 32 channel EEG board started selling for 600 – 700 USD on Aliexpress.

The price where about the same as the electronic components would cost to build a 32 channel EEG device based on InfluxDB, which is around 600 USD. Peter Gamma from mentioned this board several times on his site.

  • First, when the Epoc Emotiv Flex with 32 channels came onto the market, the price was adapted to this device, which was around 1200 USD.
  • Recently, Peter Gamma mentioned this board again. It was one of the view boards which remained interesting for him personally.
  • Then the price was increased to $5,256 USD. We suppose this is the price for a 32 channel device from mBrainTrain.

Does this product violate competition laws in the US, EU, UK, China, Canada & Switzerland? What is your opinion about this topic? Write it in the comments below. Have you also evidence for it? But evidence like this is clearly an argument to retreat from products based on the ADS1299 chip from Texas Instruments, because of price instability stock market speculations and scalping, and to choose devices based on InfluxDB instead.

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