The state of the affairs of products based on the ADS1299 EEG chip from Texas Instruments in 2024

Last Updated on September 3, 2024 by

Peter Gamma from has reviewed a lot about products based on the ADS1299 EEG chip from Texas Instruments in recent years. HackEEG came onto the market and disappeared, OpenBCI modules started selling on eBay and Aliexpress, and now we have PiEEG on Elecrow. The community of ADS1299 EEG chip users and developers is small. You can find those mainly in the forum. And most of them seem to be beginners. Only very rarely a new product based on the ADS1299 comes onto the market, such as for instance:


or the

Maqueen V2 robot:

which is a MindAffectBCI open source application:

which uses OpenBCI Ganglion or Cyton.

PiEEG developer Ildar Rakhmatulin is a highly skilled developer. But he developed also Raspberry Pi s to kill mosquitoes, which makes us hope the best but expect to worst. The Chinese OpenBCI cloners are very skilled as well. The OpenBCI boards they sell on eBay and Aliexpress could be a success on the long-term. For new product needs Peter Gamma from mentioned on his site, new products came onto the market from China, but as far as we know mainly as demo products which are sold only as a single piece. But even now you can find affordable alternatives to products sold on on eBay and Aliexpress which are made in China. These products might have issues, but you can find instructions how to resolve those on

But after all what Peter Gamma from has learned about products based on the ADS1299 EEG chip from Texas Instruments in recent years, he invites you to build your own multi-channel EEG device based on InfluxDB:

Similar to the ADS1299 chip, InfluxDB is around 10 years old now. And to build multi-channel devices based on InfluxDB has become easier, as the example of Home Assistant has shown.