How can TV stations & newspapers, etc. help Lama Pema Wangyal to find more students & better jobs?

Last Updated on July 16, 2024 by

For instance Lama Pema Wangyal as a teacher for meditation on Swiss TV or on other TV sations, or in newspapers?

Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche publishes about once a month a video on his YouTube channel where he teaches about meditation:

Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche became popular trough his books about meditation. Not so popular is Lama Pema Wangyal, although he worked for 17 years in the Rikon Tibet Institute Monastry, and has a similar qualification as Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche.

Pema Wangyal is now a teacher at the Drugpa Center Kollbrunn. But next to it he has jobs such as to make promo videos for the Shopping Center Glatt in Zurich Switzerland.

Is this not a image problem for Switzerland? A highly qualified Lama for Tibet Buddhist meditation has to do promo shows on YouTube for shopping centers in Switzerland?

Pema Wangyal himself is not from Tibet, but from India, but he worked for 17 years in the Tibet Institute Rikon Monastry, and he is a teacher for Tibetan Buddhist meditation. Many Tibetans escaped from Tibet to Switzerland because of the Chinese occupation. A Lama for Tibetan Buddhism as a travel guide for shopping centers in Switzerland? Is this not similar as if a Catholic priest would have to do a job as travel guide for shopping centers in Tibet? If it is about the struggle to survive in Switzerland, we think it s acceptable. But also in this case, is it not highly desirable to find a better solution as soon as possible?

On Lama Pema Wangyal YouTube channel Yogtrack we find wonderful videos about meditation, for instance the breathing purification exercise of the Drukpa lineage:

Swiss TV presented a crash course in meditation with Lama Pema Wangyal in 2021:

And we invite Swiss TV to invite Lama Pema Wangyal as often as possible so that he find better jobs and more students.

Also meditation Teacher Loten Dahortsang has left the Rikon Tibet Institute Switzerland and is now a meditation teacher in Switzerland and Europe. Loten Dahortsang could be seen several times in QS24 – Schweizer Gesundheitsfernsehen, for instance:

The life of a Buddhist teacher | Buddhist teacher Loten Dahortsang | QS24

And we invite also QS24 – Schweizer Gesundheitsfernsehen, newspapers, YouTube video makers, etc. to invite Lama Pema Wangyal as often as possible so that he find better jobs and more students.