The reason why I will not build a laptop based on the Raspberry Pi 5

Last Updated on July 8, 2024 by

I think it does make sense to make a laptop out of the Raspberry Pi 5. I was interested in this topic but I have let it be for the moment. I suppose in a view years these devices are there so that they can compete with laptops, the laptops which are based on the Pi 5. But I suppose since Raspberry Pi is on the stocks, prices will go up if these devices become attractive for this purpose.

It is therefore worth to keep an eye on the Orange Pi 5. One of the best YouTube video reviewers about the Orange Pi 5 is biblioman09 from Spain. I have reviewed this on my personal website: … -a-laptop/

But altough the Orange Pi 5 has in principle the potential to make a laptop out of it, it does not have the community necessary for it. Where is a forum which discusses who to make a laptop out the Orange Pi 5 the same as it is discussed how to make a laptop out if the Rasbperry Pi 5 in the Raspberry Pi forum? But I am against such popular devices such as the Raspberry Pi 5 as a basis for a laptop, as long as they do not have a strong competitor.

Therefore I decided for a thin client with Ubuntu to build a laptop from. It is portable but cannot be used for mobile use, but I don’t need it urgently. My laptop always break. Therefore I have a large number of those on my screed which don’t boot up anymore. So I use those as a screen for my thin client with a HDMI to usb adapter. This is almost as building a laptop by myself.

And to build a laptop from a Raspberry Pi 5? I will only do this if the Pi 6 is on the market or it is clear that the prices for the Pi 5 are stable over a longer period of time.

I have put the Raspberry Pi 5 on my BLACKLIST until the Raspberry Pi 6 is availalbe, or until the Pi 5 can proof that it has a stable price and availablity. This is a consequence of experiences with Raspberry’s during the Corona chip crisis: