Is Peter Gamma internationally suspected to be a terrorist & is his privacy at risk, altough he is a peaceful warrior in reality?

Last Updated on July 7, 2024 by

Recently two two young people moved into the building of the MRIS. One of those talked to Peter Gamma from

and told him that he is sick and need help, and he should go to the Police and inform the Police about that.

Peter was irritated about what they said and did not react on them. And why do they not go to a doctors office if they are sick? Peter later on complained at the Police about that. And again the Swiss Police man looked sharply at Peter and asked him: “do you have a conflict with your neighbours?”

Later on the two young people who where Peter Gamma’s new neighbours disappeared. And shortly after they disappeared, a large number of Police men came into the house and broke all the doors. But Peter opened his door voluntarily. He had to identify himself to the Police. Then the Police wanted to know about two young people and where there room is.

The Police talked about an abandoned suitcase which was left at the airport Zurich. Then the Police searched the hole house as if they searched for terrorists. Then the doors where repaired. And at the the door of the young people and neighbours of Peter was the information that they have to go to the Police office if they come back.

The young people came back from their holiday and went to the Police. And when they came back into the MRIS, one of the young person said to the other:

«The Police is not good, the Police is very radical, we have to find another solution to get help”.

But still these two guys made the Police to come repeatedly into to the house, and made Peter go the Police as well.

Then Peter ordered a surveillance camera in the United States to protect him from thieves in the house. But the surveillance camera was confiscated on the way to Switzerland at an airport in the Unites States. Peter found out about this through the eBay tracking system.

The camera was a big one which had the size of a bomb:

But it was not a bomb, it was a used surveillance camera he bought on eBay:

It was a big camera in a white box which was not labeled at the outside. But the camera was confiscated in the United States and never sent to Switzerland. And Peter received a refunded from eBay without further explanations. And Peter thought that on x-ray the camera eventually looked like a bomb. And he also though that the camera was eventually investigated by anti-terror security experts and destroyed.

Was Peter Gamma suspected to be a terrorist to whom terrorsts from the United States send bombs which could explode in an airplane, altough he is only a peaceful worrier in reality?

And is this the reason the Swiss Police wanted Peter Gamma to have his phone always on, so that the Police can track him? And if Peter Gamma is suspected by the Police to be a terrorist, and he is on the list of potential terrorists, will the Police not gather all the information about him they can?

Since the incidence with the camera he ordered in the United States Peter supposes this is happening. And this is also the reason Peter decided to move out of this house as soon as possible.

In a similar house which is owned by the same landlord of the house Peter lives in seemed to have happened similar problems. In the Google ratings of the other house near Zurich which is owned by the same landlord it is written:

«The house is full of crazy people, and the Police controls the house again and again».

And all of this makes Peter be convinced that he is tracked by the Police and that his privacy is at risk. And he will buy a privacy phone, and study the YouTube videos of privacy phone expert Rob Braxman.