Peter Gamma from does the hard work with the ADS1299 chip from Texas Instruments & the Pinephone & Schiller medical Switzerland & smartphone developers such as Apple make money out of it?

Last Updated on June 26, 2024 by

The ADS1299 chip from Texas Instruments

Schiller medical updated their C 200 treadmills which are designed in Switzerland from 12 to 16 channels:.

  • Did they use the ADS1299 chip from Texas Instruments to do this?
  • And was the idea taken over by
  • Peter Gamma has discussed Schiller C200 treadmills as well.
  • They are very expensive:

  • By using the ADS1299 chip from Texas Instruments they can be made more afforable.

The Pinephone keyboard:

  • Was the Pinephone keyboard a demo of a smartphone developer such as Apple?
  • And does now Pine64 let users such as Peter Gamma from and jakfish let do the hard work to install office sofware on it such as LibreOffice and Word 97?
  • And now the hard work is done.
  • And also the reviews about the Pinephone keyboard of Peter Gamma from and the office software.
  • He found that thePinephone keyboard it is a great and essential keyoard for the Pinephone for writers and coder.
  • Since no other Bluetooth keyboard exept for the iGo Stoaway Bluetooth keyboard seems to work reliable with the Pinephone.

And now that this hardwork is done, the Pinephone keyboard is pulled from the market again?

  • And will now a smartphone sellers such as Apple offer devices which are based on the Pinephone with the Pinephone keyboard soon?
  • For instance a Linux phone from Apple for $1,999, at the same price as a Librem 5 in the U.S. costs.

More and more sellers offer Linux phones:–diese-handys-setzen-auf-alternative-betriebssysteme-34259622.html#diese-linux-smartphones-gibt-es

As long as no one can convince Peter Gamma from of the opposite that these kind of things happen, Peter Gamma has put these products on his black list.

  • Peter Gamma does not do the hard work so that other can profit out of it and make money out of it.
  • Peter’s site is not intended for this.
  • Peter’s site is a private project on his personal website:

Peter Gamma from has but products such as the

  • ADS1299 chip from Texas Instruments
  • The Schiller C200 treadmill
  • The Pinephone
  • Linux phones from smartphone sellers such as Apple who take over the Pinephone keybaord to sell an expensive new device.

on his blacklist and will not buy those should they offer such products.

Information for product sellers who do stock market speculation and scalping with products mentioned by Peter Gamma on

According to the little experience of Peter Gamma from, many of the products listed here are still full of issues which need to be resolved. If you do stock market speculation and scalping with those, you will loose Peter Gamma from as a buyer of these products and as a reviewer. Is this not risky? Will you not loose a majority of your costumers as well?

And is it not so, that society in general does not accept stock market speculation and scalping with products as those which are listed here? And will you not be politically incapable of finding a majority of the voters if you do stock market speculation and scalping with these products?

And as a consequence will you not be condemned and punished by a political referendum soon? Especially if you do this to a Swiss, since are not majority of Swiss against stock market speculations and scalping with people on a budget? And people in Switzerland are known for a lot of political referendums, since we have direct democracy in this country.

And Peter Gamma from will fight up to the European Court of Human Rights against people who do stock market speculation and scalping with the products which are mentioned on And if they do not have yet the legal basis there to do so, he will fight for it.

What is a scalper?

A scalper is someone who buys something and resells it at a price far above the initial cost. For instance some says: “He got theater tickets through a scalper”: Someone who buys tickets to an event in order to resell them at a profit. And is it not also scalping if you take reviews from this site to make out of it a new product offer, and sell it for a higher price? We doubt that you will be successful with it. Since Peter Gamma will review your product and will user not come back to after that?