Who buys a Pinephone if we can have a BIGTREETECH Pad 7 with Leepspsvideo KDE Plasma built 4 which is based on Raspberry Pi OS for less than 200 USD?

Last Updated on June 20, 2024 by pg@petergamma.org

  • Why to buy a PP & PP keyboard for LibreOffice which costs 400 USD shipping and import included to Switzerland?
  • We can buy a BIGTREETECH Pad 7 for 100 USD which runs Raspberry Pi OS instead.
  • And there is a version of Rapberry Pi OS which includes LibreOffice.
  • The Pinephone can run desktop applications such as LibreOffice:
  • But if we want to use LibreOffice on the Pinephone we currently can only run it satisfyingly with the Pinephone dock and a HDMI monitor.
  • To use it on the Pinephone screen LibreOffice needs to be adapted to the small size of the screen.
  • But nobody seems to want to do this.
  • And why should we do this if we can buy a BIGTREETECH Pad 7 with Raspberry Pi OS for 100 USD which has a 7 inch screen?
  • On a 7 inch screen LibreOffice is usable right out of the box, it does not need any further modifications.
  • The Pinephone is open source hardware and cannot be compared to the BIGTREETECH Pad 7 regarding this aspect.
  • But what are really the advantages of open source hardware if we find a device such as the BIGTREETECH Pad 7 which runs Raspberry Pi OS which fit’s perfectly for our needs?
  • We can try if Leepspsvideo KDE Plasma built 4 runs on the BIGTREETECH Pad 7 as well.

I shortly have tested the Leepspsvideo KDE Plasma built 4 on a Raspberry Pi 4:

  • Raspberry Pi OS has a quiet basic desktop which runs on it.
  • But we can try to install the the Leepspsvideo KDE Plasma built 4 desktop.
  • And can this desktop not compete with Ubuntu 24.04 as far as ease of use is concerned?

Leepspsvideo KDE Plasma built 4 desktop was built for the Raspberry Pi 4 and not the BIGTREETECH Pad 7 with a Raspberry Pi compute model 4, but we can try if it runs on the BIGTREETECH Pad 7 all the same. The Pad 7 supports Raspberry Pi CM4 which is very similar to a Raspberry Pi 4, but only it’s periferals ar cutt off.

  • To run Leepspsvideo KDE Plasma built 4 on the BIGTREETECH Pad 7 whe eventually need to update it with a Raspberry Pi CM4 which offers sufficient RAM.
  • A Raspberry Pi CM 4 with 4 GB RAM is currently available for 80 USD at Digitec Switzerland delivered within a weeks time.
  • But who is not ready to spend 80 USD extra to be able to run a desktop such as the Leepspsvideo KDE Plasma built 4 on the BIGTREETECH Pad 7?
  • Whe have not tested the BIGTREETECH Pad 7 with a CM4 and with Leepspsvideo KDE Plasma built 4 which is based on Raspberry Pi OS, but we see no reason why this should not work.
  • And if the BIGTREETECH Pad 7 is too big for you and does not fit in your pocket. you can buy the BIGTREETECH Pad 5 which is almost identical but smaller.
  • But then you are not able to use LibreOffice on this screen, similar to how it is not useable on the Pinephone Screen
  • What is our opinon about this topic? Write it in the comments below.

Information for product sellers who do stock market speculation and scalping with products mentioned by Peter Gamma on www.petergamma.org

According to the little experience of Peter Gamma from www.petergamma.org, many of the products listed here are still full of issues which need to be resolved. If you do stock market speculation and scalping with those, you will loose Peter Gamma from www.petergamma.org as a buyer of these products and as a reviewer. Is this not risky? Will you not loose a majority of your costumers as well?

And is it not so, that society in general does not accept stock market speculation and scalping with products as those which are listed here? And will you not be politically incapable of finding a majority of the voters if you do stock market speculation and scalping with these products?

And as a consequence will you not be condemned and punished by a political referendum soon? Especially if you do this to a Swiss, since are not majority of Swiss against stock market speculations and scalping with people on a budget? And people in Switzerland are known for a lot of political referendums, since we have direct democracy in this country.

And Peter Gamma from www.petergamma.org will fight up to the European Court of Human Rights against people who do stock market speculation and scalping with the products which are mentioned on www.petergamma.org. And if they do not have yet the legal basis there to do so, he will fight for it.

What is a scalper?

A scalper is someone who buys something and resells it at a price far above the initial cost. For instance some says: “He got theater tickets through a scalper”: Someone who buys tickets to an event in order to resell them at a profit. And is it not also scalping if you take reviews from this site to make out of it a new product offer, and sell it for a higher price? We doubt that you will be successful with it. Since Peter Gamma will review your product and will user not come back to www.petergamma.org after that?