iWorx TA Teaching Assistant

Last Updated on August 31, 2022 by pg@petergamma.org

Sensors shown with the iWorx TA

– left: sensor section

– right: stimulator section

– middle: iWire section

– Spirometer Flowhead

– Heart sound sensor

– grip force sensor

– blood pressure sensor

– Temperature sensor

– Oxygen probe

– Force sensor

– Respiration monitor

– Hand food reaction monior

– gas analyzer

– high voltage stimulator

– finger twitch sensor

– low voltage stimulator

– bi polar electrode

– light reaction

iWire Modules are shown at 4:12 in the video.

Texas instruments offers similar modules with at least 3 channels with up to 12 electrodes for 99 USD inc. Windows software:


  • 3 channels of ECG
  • 3 channels of EMG
  • or 2 channels of EEG

In this example Youtube video, a setup with 5 ECG electrodes with 3 channels is shown (four wires are not connected to electrodes).


– Nerve lab

– Nerve bath chambel

– Gas analyser

– event marker

Newer version of the Recorder with wireless ECG: