Marketing trust for EEG devices from OpenBCI made in China for 230 USD up to g.tec medical multi-purpose devices for 50 000 USD?

Last Updated on June 8, 2024 by

Since years Peter Gamma from reviews about low-cost high-quality EEG devices. But what happened? g.tec publishes YouTube videos about their 50 000 USD heatset:

And Robert Oostenveld writes OpenBCI Cyton is bad, we should by the Unicorn Black by g.tec instead. But Robert could not convince us personally.

  • OpenBCI made in China and PiEEG came onto the market but has issues.
  • PiEEG is only offered one year after it has been anounced, and then shorlty after it has been launched it is pulled from the market again. Now it is relauchned on Elecrow, but for how long?
  • HackEEG was only offered for a short time, and then pulled from the market. It was announced to come back after Corona. But it never happened.
  • And issues of OpenBCI made in China are resolved, but only in one example.
  • Is there a marketing trust who wnat to force us to buy products from for beginners and devices from g.tec for professionals?

Since who buys from mBrainTrain anyway? Who buys such devices?

Sports scientists from Germany to study dart players, but who else?

If you are looking for independent information from someone who is not part of a marketing trust, you find it under

If you look at this table:

Is not only a question of time until many EEG devices are based on InfluxDB and single components? And is this the reason, that EEG devices up to the g.tec multi-purpose headset for 50 000 USD are only very little developed further?

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