Are Reto Rölli from & Antoine Lutz trained with a protocol developed with a brain scanner?

Last Updated on May 13, 2024 by

Antoine Lutz is INSERM Director of Research at the Lyon Neuroscience Research Center

Antoine Lutz Lutz picture 1

Antoine Lutz picture 2

Reto Rölli from

writes on his blog

  • I am 48 years old, happily married and the proud father of a daughter and a son.
  • I earn our living in the IT industry.
  • My passion, passion, leisure activity or whatever you want to call it… are
  • my family
  • being out in the great outdoors on my bike (MTB)
  • or on foot with the “big” camera and of course my bikes with motors include a
  • Honda VTR SP1,
  • a Honda CB250
  • a Honda CX650E
  • and a Yamaha XJ650T
  • that I cherish and look after with a lot of love.

Reto Rölli picture 1

Reto Rölli picture 2

Reto Rölli picture 3

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