When did Vanja Palmers look the happiest?

Last Updated on May 11, 2024 by pg@petergamma.org


Picture from the Felsentor Foundation where he is founder and president:


The same picture of Vanja Palmers can also be found at the Mind Foundation where he is a speaker:


  • And how he came into the state of happiness in the above picture?
  • Trough Psilocybin?

Vanja Palmers sais in thsi video that he actually does not care how to get there in the following video

  • And what does he make a living from?
  • He is a million heir.
  • But does he have to offer Zen with animal courses on the Rigi all the same?
  • Does he look happier on this picture here as on the above picture?
  • But is this the effect of Psilocybin?
  • And are the Zen with animal courses the effect of taking Psilocybin as well?
  • Vanja Palmers said on YouTube that he could not induce the same meditative states with meditation than with Psilocybin.
  • And do we have scientific data about people like Vanja Palmers and their path?
  • https://infozentrum.ethz.ch/en/
  • We invite you to go to an open access university library as this one:


  • And search for it there.
  • Will we not find there better data than on YouTube, where we only find outdated concepts?
  • What is your opinion about this topic?
  • Write it in the comments below.

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