Did Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche or his successor Dilgo Khyentse Yangsi Rinpoche use a brain scanner to train their brains?

Last Updated on May 11, 2024 by pg@petergamma.org

  • Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche was born in 1910 in Eastern Tibet to a family descended from the royal lineage of the ninth century king Trisong Detsen.
  • The Dalai the 14 th called Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche one of his important Guru’s in the following movie:
  • In the following video Richard R. Davidson said the Dalai Lama the 14 th challenged Richard Davidson to test individuals who trained years by training their minds:
  • And the result of this study where published in this PNAS paper from 2004:


But did Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche train his brain with a brain scanner? Brain scanner where not yet available at his time. At the age of 15, Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche went into solitary retreat. But he did not go into a cave with a brain scanner. He took spiritual teachings with him. And he practiced there for 13 years, until he wanted to spend the rest of his life in solitary retreat.

But when he told his teacher that he wanted to spend the rest of his life in solitary retreats, Chokyi Lodro answered, “The time has come for you to teach and transmit to others the precious teachings you have received.”

But now, after we have the data from the PNAS paper from 2004:

Long-term meditators self-induce high-amplitude gamma synchrony during mental practice


Did Dilgo Khyentse Yangis Rinpoche use a brain scanner to train his brain?

  • The following paper lists the Clinical Applications and Future Directions of Functional MRI:


  • Since its discovery, fMRI has been applied to the study and treatment a wide range of neurologic disorders.
  • Functional MRI has shown great utility identifying the anatomic location corresponding with specific motor, somatosensory, language and cognitive processes.
  • In addition, it has expanded our understanding of the neuroanatomic and pathophysiologic changes that occur in response to brain tumors, epilepsy, movement disorders, dementia and trauma.
  • In addition, fMRI may be helpful in defining targets for functional neurosurgery.
  • fMRI also holds great promise in creating biomarkers that can be used for monitoring diseases of the central nervous system and for assessing the utility of existing and experimental treatments.

But training the brain is not among the listed application of fMRI brain scanners.

  • Dit the study of the 2004 PNAS change anything about how mind training is peformed? We do not know anything officially about this topic.

An we invite you to choose a spiritual teacher or spiritual teaching for training your mind, instead of a brain scanner.

  • Since if you choose a brain scanner to train your brain, will you not look like Alex Gamma from the ETH Zurich afterwarts?:


Does this picture show shows Alexa Gamma before he trained his brain?

And this picture shows Alex Gamma after he trained his brain?

  • Peter Gamma from www.petergamma.org does not know what caused the changes in the face of Alex Gamma.
  • We found these pictures on his researchgate.net site and on his Academia.eu site.
  • Alex Gamma writes papers about prisoners and meditation, as you can see on researchgate net:


Do this pictures say something about how advanced Alex Gamma is with training his brain? Is Antoine Lutz more advanced than Alex Gamma?

Antoine Lutz before training his brain?

Antoine Lutz after training his brain?

  • The second picture of Antoine Lutz can be found on his Google Scholar site:


  • Does Antoine Lutz not look like a happy meditator, much better than Alex Gamma on the second picture?
  • Antoine Lutz continuously publishes papers on Google Scholar about meditation since the PNAS paper from 2004 about meditation.
  • But why do we not have any brain scan data of Antoine Lutz, why do we only find these strange pictures from Antoine Lutz scattered everywhere in the web, without further explanation?
  • Are these pictures pictures of scientific studies which where given up?
  • And are these picture of Antoine Lutz the only result which is positive about Antoine Lutz brain scan studies about meditation he did as a self experiment since the PNAS paper from 2004?
  • And are there no other brain scan data available which would be worth publishing since the PNAS paper from 2004 about meditators like Antoine Lutz?
  • As we said said before, we have not read “Altered Traits”:
  • Check this book for the scientific detail. You most probably find more information about this topic in this book.
  • But what is the consequence of this all?
  • Did anything change in the practice of meditators since the PNAS paper from 2004?

Did Dilgo Kihenze Yangsi Rhinpoche use a brain scanner for mind training now?

Was not Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche Yangsi’s teacher as he once said?

  • Or is this only a camuflage, and he used a brain scanner instead of Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche
  • As for instance the Sound Card ECG was a camflage for Scott W. Harden PhD. DMD, as a meditator who uses in reality a brain scan protocol, and not a sound card ECG to meditate?
  • But which brain scanners are as sutible as sprititual teacher Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche?
  • And which brain scanner is as subtile as what spiritual teachers have written?
  • Are there some? Peter Gamma from www.petergamma.org does not know of such subtile brain scanners or training protocols.
  • Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche said on YouTube in one of his newer videos that he served for 20 years Dilgo Khyentse Yangis Rinpoche. Does serve not also mean to teach Yangsi?

And if brain scanners would be helpful for training our brain, would Peter Gamma from www.petergamma.org not know about this?

  • But does not Yangsi’s face look somehow artificial? Is this a sign that he uses a protocol to train his brain which was “artificial”, and he was trackes with a brain scanner?
  • And Will these brain scanners for Buddhist monks who offers such mind training protocols soon be sold in the Shechen Monastries?
  • And are there not projects under development to develop protocols to train our brain assisted by a brain scanner, for instance by Robert Oostenveld?:

Robert Oosenveld before he trained his brain with a brain scanner?

Robert Oosenveld after he trained his brain with a brain scanner?

  • And if this would be true, would you choose Robert Oostenveld’s protocol to train your brain?
  • We found the last picture shown above on Robert Oostenveld’s Google Scholar site:


  • Is this the only positive (or negative) result Robert Oostenveld wants to publish about his success in training his brain in a self-experiment?
  • Robert Oostenveld says about himself, that he is a maker. So is he a maker, but not a meditator?
  • Robert Oostenveld already published a new picture of him on Google Scholar since we last looked at his Google Scholar site:
  • Is this a kind of a “progress report” of the changes in Robert Oostenveld’s face?
  • And are not faces the first we can see for instance if a meditator was successful in his practice or not?

What is your opinion about this topic? Write it in the comments below.

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