Part of the curriculum vitae of Antoine Lutz

Last Updated on May 10, 2024 by

  • Antoine Lutz is the first author of the PNAS paper from 2004:

  • Antoine Lutz lutz is not listed among the around 100 people working on the center of healty minds:

  • His picture is not visible.
  • Is he currently not there?
  • But we found his project here:

  • Then we found the link to Antoine Lutz website:

  • but it is not possible to access this website.
  • Is this controlled by a marketing software?
  • Peter Gamma from experiences similar strange phenomen previously
  • such as Buddhist monks who worked for the Rikon Tibet Institute Monastery, such as Pema Wangyal
  • And now Pema Wangyal looks like this:

Antoine Lutz cv continued:

  • PhD, Staff Research Scientist at the Lyon Neuroscience Research Center,
  • is a Staff Scientist (Chargé de recherche) at the Lyon Neuroscience Research Center (CNRL), INSERM, France.
  • He received his PhD in cognitive science in Paris, France,
  • with Francisco Varela and did postdoctoral research with Richard Davidson at the University of Madison-Wisconsin.
  • After working as a scientist in the United States for ten years, he joined the CNRL(?) in January 2013.
  • His main research interest is the neuroscience of mindfulness and compassion meditations and their effects on consciousness, attention and emotion regulation, and pain perception.
  • His recent research in Madison includes an NIH-NCCAM-funded project examining the cognitive and neural mechanisms of action of a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) intervention and its effects on attention, pain perception, and fear conditioning.
  • Dr. Lutz received an ERC Consolidator Grant in December 2013 to expand his research program on mindfulness meditation in Lyon, France.

This is the picture from Antoine Lutz we found in this cv site we listed here:

But found also other pictures of Antoine Lutz:

And this one:

And does all of this not have some similarities with phenomeons whe found here:

Site where we find some of the curriculum vitae of Antoine Lutz:

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