The future of the meditation research project 20 years after the PNAS paper «Long-term meditators self-induce high-amplitude gamma synchrony during mental practice»?

Last Updated on May 10, 2024 by

Who has confirmed the scientific finding of the paper «Long-term meditators self-induce high-amplitude gamma synchrony during mental practice» which was reviewed by Matthieu Ricard, Buddhist monk with a PhD in Cellular Genetics in this video about 20 years ago?:

But would the findings of this PNAS paper from 2004 not be revolutionary, if it would confirmed by others? Happines can be trained, was the key message of Matthieu Ricard.. But would this not be revolutionary, if it would be confirmed convincingly in the year 2024, or eventually a Nobel Prize topic?

Richard Davidson explained that the data of this paper have been confirmed by another group. We sah a YouTube video of another scientific study where Matthieu Ricard particapted. But we did not yet have found the paper.
Around 17 years after this paper the book «altered Traits» has been published:

And Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche who participated in the PNAS study from 2004 reviews:

How Meditation changes the brain:

A message of Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche is «Born unhappy, always onhappy, no you can change.»But would not also such scientific findings again be revolutionary, again a Nobel Prize topic? But where are the researchers at the Nobel Prize Topic Level who do research on it? Is not Dr. Richard J. Davidson in the Nobel Prize Topic league? But what did Richard J. Davidson since 2004? He founded for instance the Center of Healthy Minds in 2008, with around 100 (strange, not Nobel Price topic?) researchers working there:

And where is the message from Richard Davidson «born unhappy, always unappy, no you can change?» published in Nature and Science, and where is his Nobel Prize for Richard Davidson in the year 2024?

And where are the 100 Meditation Research Insitutes (MRIS) around the world wo confirm Matthieu Ricard’s message from 2004 «happiness can be trained, if it would be that revolutionary, and could be easily confirmed by others?

Are there other groups than the second group Richard Davidson mentioned who confirmed this study? And why are olymplic level meditators not investigated open and transparenty? Are there no funds available, since the scientific data are missing up to this dateto get a grand?

30 years ago, the Molecular Biologist Isidro Ballard achieved a scientific sensation. He managed to manipulate measles viruses:

Shortly after that, he reported about this revolutionary findings on scientific congress in Germany. But instead of being enthousiastic about these new findings, group members of a research group in Germany who did research on measles viruses as well heavily attacked Isidro Ballard for genetically manipulating measles viruses.

And Peter Gamma from as information, that at least one group member has quit then the group of Martin Billeter and Charles Weissmann 30 years ago, because this person was heavily attacked by opponents of genetic engineering before, and he was fed up from this discussion, since the job of a molecular biologist is difficult and frustrating anyway.

One year after that, Isidro Ballard should report on another congress about his latest findings. But what happened instead? Isidro Ballard killed himself at the day of the congress, and he was found dead in the laboratory.

Later on, the group of Martin Billeter could not confirm the findings of Isidro Ballard. And this was reported to the scientifc journals in which Isidro Ballard published his result.

Antoine Lutz was the first author of the PNAS paper from 2004. Is not the first author the one who does most of the job? When Isidro Ballard killed himself 30 years ago, group members of Martin Billeter who where co-authors of the paper where critizised to not have verified Isidro Ballards results, but they still where co-authors of the paper, such as for instance molecular biologist Roberto Cattaneo. Read in the NZZ article about Isidro Ballard about this topic.

This means that co-authors of a papers usually to not verify the results of a paper, and are co-authors all the same. So did the first author Antoine Lutz the main work of the PNAS paper from 2004 alone?

Two other authors of the PNAS paper from 2004 about meditation cannot be found anymore in the web. Another co-author is Matthieu Ricard. But is it not hard to believe, that Matthieu Ricard verifies laborary results from brain scanners? Then whe have last author Richard Davidson. But do last authors not often just read the paper, and if all is consistend submit it? Was the paper submitted to Nature, as Matthieu Ricard once mentioned, but then rejected by Nature?

Since Antoine Lutz is the first author of this paper, did he most of the job by himself? We have 20 year later than 2004. And Peter Gamma from does not know of convincing scientific study which would confirm the PNAS paper from 2004.

30 years ago, Charles Weissmann, the most famous molecular biologist in Switzerland commented if we remember correclty about Isidro Ballard, who killed himself 30 years ago, that he supposes, that Isidro Ballard had manipulated his results. And he eventually hoped that he later on would mange to do the job and could confirm the result. But he did not, and he killed himself instead.

Where is the confirmation of the paper of first author Antoine Lutz 20 year later? Peter Gamma from does not know of such a confimation which could convince him to this date.

What happened to Antoine Lutz 20 years later? Did Antone Lutz kill himself as Isidro Ballard? No, he is still alive. But his face changed completely. Here is the oldest picture of Antoine Lutz we found:

And here is the latest picture we found:

And 20 year later, does Antoine Lutz publish papers about mediation resarch in Nature, Science and PNAS, as we eventually would expect, after the PNAS paper form 2004? One of his latest paper on which Antoine Lutz is co-author is a paper about ENIGMA meditation:

Together with around 30 co-authors. And as we reported previously, we do not know where Antoine Lutz currently works. His adress is:

  • Antoine Lutz
  • French Institute of Health and Medical Research
  • Inserm
  • Centre de Recherche en Neurosciences de Lyon
  • U1028

But Antoine Lutz has many other adresses next to it where he eventually could be presently. He is listed also at other laboratories as a co-worker. Antoine Lutz did not kill himself, as Isidro Ballard killed himself 30 years ago. But where are Antoine Lutz revolutionary finding from 2004 confirmed convincingly in 2024? We do not know of such convincing confirmations. Antoine Lutz continues to publish papers about meditation on a regular basis. But where are Antoine Lutz papers about meditation research which are published in Nature, Science and PNAS? Peter Gamma from does not know of such revolutionary findings in the field of meditation research which happened recently. And if they whey there, would not meditation researches such as Arnaud Delorme report about those as well, and do research about it as well, and report about it for instance in videos like this one?:

But instead of reporting from new and revolutionary findings, Arnaud Delorme teaches Monday Meditations on YouTube:

So is the future of the meditation research project Arnaud Delorme’s monday meditation on YouTube? What is your opinon about this topic? Write it in the comments below.