«The Art of Reviewing» about meditation, meditation research & devices for meditators by Peter Gamma from www.petergamma.org

Last Updated on May 8, 2024 by pg@petergamma.org

Peter Gamma from www.petegamma.org is not part of the «The Art Of» label.

But he gives here a review about some of the «the Art of» label series:

It starts with:

Louis De Funès, as seen by Thierry Jousse Blow up on ARTE:

And then we come to the favorite device of Peter Gamma from www.petergamma.org.

It is one that comes form Switzerland.

It is the Schiller C200 ECG treadmill for 23 000 USD:

Would this be not be best device for a home as the one of Peter Gamma from www.petergamma.org? But who spends 23 000 USD for a home lab?

Another product from the «The Art of Series» we love is also the

«The Art of Meditation»

with Swiss Mediation Teacher Diego Hangartner:

But who exept for Swiss Meditation Teacher Diego Hangartner goes into a museum with beautiful and expensive paintings to practice meditation?

Aren’t many of the “The Art of Series” products little developed, little tested and reviewed by people who know little about meditation, meditation research and devices for meditators?

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