Do we want to lead our lifes guided by a computer program or guided by intuition?

Last Updated on May 6, 2024 by

Yogi Bhajan taught us how to life you lifes by intuition:

You can see part of this video in this original recording from Yogi Bhajan about “Sadhana”:

And there is also important information how to find God in the following video of Yogi Bhajan: “Discover Your Soul”

Yogi Bajan taught us Sadhana gives us intuition. Sadhana is Kundalini Yoga training in the morning which starts at 4 a.m. and last about 2.5 hours up to around 7 a. m. Kundini Yoga offers about 20 000 exercises. You can find those in the library of teachings which can be found in the Kundalini Research Institute:

These 20 000 exercises consist of Kryas (exercises which last about 1.5 hours) which include Yoga exercises and meditation exercises.

But Yogi Bhajan said also that meditation gives you intuition. This makes thinks easier. Since Osho said he tested all the meditation practices of all the traditions. And he also said, there is no need to test all kinds of meditations. Just one method we can choose, which can be the simplest easiest and which everybody can learn. And just that one method can be spread all over the world. And that is widnessing the breath:

So what can we conclude from all of this? To meditate or to meditate about widnessing the breath should give us intuition, as a logical consequence. And what is intuition?

According to Wikipedia: Intuition is the ability to acquire knowledge, without recourse to conscious reasoning or needing an explanation.

But is to see spontaneously an apple when we are hungry in front of our inner eye not also an intuition? Who want’s to reject that? And Daniel Goleman explains in the following video when we for instance imagine to bite into an apple, and certainly also when we spontanously see an apple in front of our inner eye, this is associated with gamma waves. Check the scientific literature for the correct details. Daniel Goleman explains part of this in the following video:

So as a logical consequence of this all, we do not need a brain scanner until we can measure gamma waves with it, and process these data by a computer program which gives us instruction. We only have to practice meditation, whatever kind of meditation it is, until gamma waves occurr. And if these gamma wave occurr, we are intuitive and we can guide our lifes by our intuition, and not guided by a computer program.

And Peter Gamma from is asking, did the following guys guide their lives by a computer program?

And if so, who wants to follow those as their guiding stars? Is it not better to guide our lifes by intuiton than following these people? What is our opinion about this topic? Write it in the comments below.

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