Does or did Dr.-Ing. Rainer Blind, Institut für Systemtheorie & Regelungstechnik Stuttgard track his heart rate with a training tracker & his brain waves with a brain scanner?

Last Updated on April 30, 2024 by

Rainer Blind is the a training tracker developer:

Now Rainer Blind is Projektleiter bei IAV:

Is this picture taken before the brains scan study:

A scientific study in which he trained with a training tracker on his bike to track his heart rate and tracked his brain with as brain scanner?

Picture taken when Rainer Blind found a new job?:

Was this a screening study by a university of Stuttgard performed by Rainer Blind controlled with a marketing software to see how much money can be made out of scientific studies with a training tracker, a bike, brain scanners, and by selling all of these data and products? What is your opinion about this topic? Write it in the comments below.

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