Did Swiss Biologist Alex Gamma, PhD. PD. brain scan studies about meditation, and are the pictures of him which are published in the web controlled by a marketing agency?

Last Updated on April 29, 2024 by pg@petergamma.org

Have brain scan studies about the effect of meditation basically been given up by scientists who are funded publicly, and are they now funded by private funds from private companies with marketing agencies who do such scientific studies, who do not publish their data, but want to make money out of those? And where they not very successful with this project either, and do they want to make money out of these data as long as possible?

We have here two pictures of a Alex Gamma, PD, PhD:

picture 1

picture 2

Do these pictures show the effect of practicing mediation assisted by a brain scanner on Alex Gamma? And are these pictures the only result of this study which are publicly available?

We found also thow pictures of Talha Iqbal, Postdoctoral Research Associate at University of Galway, Ireland in the web:


On the first picture we found of Talha Iqbal, he looked unhappier than on a second picture. We had set a link to both of these pictures on www.petergamma.org. But then the page with the first picture where Talha Iqbal looked less happier was removed after a while.

Was it a marketing agency who did this, who is funded privately, and sells anything they can? For instance pictures of meditators who meditated assisted by a brain scanner, PLOS ONE papers, popular scientific books, smartwatches, Muse headbands, OpenBCI modules, Greentek Gelfree S3 EEG caps, etc.?

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