Last Updated on April 24, 2024 by
Reviews he di during the last several years?
The Facilities of the Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS):

are small compared to the :
Manufacturing Facilities of Texas Instruments in Richardson, Texas:

But what do you think about the quality of Peter Gamma from reviews about the the ADS1299 EEG chip from from Texas Instruments? Are they helpful for people who are not experts for EEG chips? Peter Gamma from is physiologist, and not an expert for EEG chips either.
But he is an independent consultant:
And Peter Gamma from declares the following:
Conflict of Interest Statement
The authors declares that this site was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
The Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS) website is the personal website of Peter Gamma.
Founder and Director of the MRIS:
Peter Gamma, Physiologist
with an excellent degree at an excellent Swiss University
research experience at an excellent Swiss Research Institute
Founding date of MRIS:
And Peter Gamma from is asking:
Did the many Ti ADS1299 chip product demonstrations which where offered in recent years
by Texas Instruments and where pulled back from the market again shortly after they where released had the goal to find out wheater someone from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich buys new EEG devices which are based on the ADS1299 EEG chip from Texas Instruments for many billions of USD, which would allow TI to offer a new product based on the ADS1299 for a competitive price to the ETH Zurich?
And if not, does TI continue to sell OpenBCI Cyton for 1000 USD from forever, and offers no real alternative, and continues forever to claim that it is a low-cost high-quality EEG product, which has no issues and is at the highest level of contemporary and innovative EEG device developments? And is OpenBCI Cyton a new and revolutionary world leading EEG product, for which their developers will eventually soon receive a Nobel prize in Physics? Peter Gamma from does not know about all of this in detail, since he is a physiologist, but not an expert for EEG chips.
And if all of this is true, Peter Gamma from continues to give only negative feedback about ADS1299 EEG chip products from Texas Instrumetns on www.peter forever:

This picture does not show Peter Gamma from, but EEVblog founder David L. Jones. We have discussed about this T-shirt previously on our site.