The findings of Molecular Biologist Isidro Ballard from the University of Zurich who worked in Charles Weissmann’s lab & killed himself 30 years ago could not be reproduced by other scientists

Last Updated on April 6, 2024 by

As Giulio Superti-Furga – scientific director of CeMM in Vienna where Rob ter Horst PhD. works, Isidro Ballart was a graduate student in Molecular Biology at the University of Zurich in the group of Charles Weissmann 30 years ago. But instread of making a scientific career and becoming scientific director of CeMM in Vienna as Giulio Superti-Furga did it, Isidro Ballart, killed himself 30 years ago:

IN THE EARLY MORNING of March 20, 1991, Martin Billeter, professor at the Institute for Molecular Biology I at the University of Zurich, is waiting for his doctoral student Isidro Ballart at Zurich main station. When the hand of the station clock moves towards the departure time, Isidro is still not there. The young researcher probably overslept; For better or worse, the group has to travel without him. Isidro would have been the star.

Two years later, the NZZ Zurich wrote, after frustrating weeks and months, Martin Billeter who was Professor at the University of Zurich in the Institute of Charles Weissmann and his people came to the conclusion that Isidro Ballart had systematically falsified his experiments in two steps.

In the following video, Matthieu Ricard, Buddhist monk with a PhD. in cellular genetic gives an explanation why molecular biologist Isidro Ballart eventually killed himself 30 years ago:

Matthieu Ricard said in this video «even the one who kills himself is looking for an end of his suffering, but he sees no other way». Isidro Ballart killed himself 30 years ago His results could not be reproduced by other scientists.