Peter Gamma from the Meditation Research Insitute Siwtzerland (MRIS) would like to say thank you for the development for devices for respiration rate

Last Updated on February 19, 2024 by

A view years ago, we discovered a new device in the PLUX BIOSIGNALS store which was called «Respiban Professional». Unfortunatly, we cannot find it there anymore under respiration:

Respiration rate is one of the key physiological parameters for meditators, but difficult to measure. One of the devices which offered a solution for this was the «Respiban Professional». Now we found a device which looks similar to the one, and that is the Inductive Respiration (RIP) Sensor:

But there are also other products on the market, such as Peter H. Charton’s Respiratory Rate Estimation Matlab Toolbox, and Talha Iqbal`s:

YouTube video demos in Pyton for respiration rate estimation. We did not yet decide which product to choose, and we currently are counting the number of breath manually. But the MRIS highly appreciates all of these developments of these great reserachers and would like to thank them for their great devices which they have built which eventually could be suitable for mediation reserach projects. Currently none of the devices fit`s for our needs. We have already tested a device from Vernier to measure respiration rate, but it had some issues which we reported under But it still is the most affordable device on the market, and superior to the Garmin Fenix 6 which can measure respiration rate, but is only accurate at 12 breath per minutes in our tests.