What would a Swiss quality company do to build up trust again in Raspberry Pi, OpenBCI, HackEEG & PiEEG?

Last Updated on February 19, 2024 by pg@petergamma.org

Rasperry Pi

Would a Swiss quality company not come to the conclusion that it is not possible after the Raspberry Pi has been unavailable for years due to Corona? And would a Swiss quality company not pull Raspberry Pi for private users from the market, so that the community migrates to Orange single board computers?

And the same for OpenBCI, HackEEG and PiEEG. Products in which our trust is gone.

According to Peter Gamma from Www.petergamma.org own little experience, would he be the CEO of a Swiss quality who offers these product, he would pull these products from the marked (
(OpenBCI, HackEEG and PiEEG), So that a new community can develop which is based on TGAM modules, four channel A/D converters and InfluxDB, and retreat from this company. So that a new community can develop for products from which is very difficult to make money out of those, and that is TGAM modules, A/D converters and InfluxDB.