Last Updated on February 17, 2024 by
- Who is «big brother» Texas instruments «OpenBCI made in China» or «PiEEG»? Or does big brother Texas instruments already know anything and wanted to sell us PiEEG so that we test it so that they can sell it? If so, Texas Instruments, look for other hobbists than those from, since we lack of time for doing this.
- Or is «OpenBCI made in China» only a cheap comany who tried to sell cheap OpenBCI modules but failed to this date.
- What is wrong with «OpenBCI made in China»? If we look at the following picture:
- can we trust the scientist on the picture?
- And where is the paper he has published with he has written animal tests and OpenBCI? It was only published on Aliexpress, the picture, which he eventually would have published in a paper if it would have worked. But we do not know from such a paper.
- Furthemore we sah and still can see pictures we know from» in the shops from OpenBCI made in China.
- We several times have heard thatOpenBCI products from are expensive.
- It seems that OpenBCI made in China has tried to sell cheaper alternatives of product.
- But where they successful? Would we not know about this?
- We do not know of a single user report who writes that he bought products from OpenBCI made in China and is happy with those.
- The price for products from OpenBCI made in China are randomly scattered.
- Products and product descriptions are moved from shop to shop and from Aliexpress to eBay where new products are offered.
- On the other hand the old WIFI shield with issues are sold on Aliexpress at a reduced price.
- And OpenBCI made in China products are switched on and off on the request of users.
- Is there someone desperately try to sell these products but fails?
- Where is the community of happy users who report that they bought OpenBCI made in China products and are happy with those?
- We experienced several times with Aliexpress sellers, that the cheapest products have issues and do not work.
- One example are usb-c adapter for the Pinephone. In principle every usb-c adapter should work with the Pinephone. But in reality only adapters starting from arround 50 USD work. The ones with a high number of sales and high costumers ratings.
- It seems like Aliexpress but also eBay product seller develop products in that way. Products are not tested. They are just send to buyers and tested in that way until they found which product work or not.
- The shops with which sell faulty modules get low ratings and then they are closed, and new shops are openend with the products which are not faulty.
- This has worked as for instance with usb-c adapters. As a rule of thumb, the cheap with low number of sales and with hardly any ratings to not work, whereas the products which works are offered in a new shop at a higher price. These shops than have high sales rates and good ratings.
- But we do not of a single shop neither on Aliexpress and eBay which has a high number of sales and high ratings for OpenBCI products.
- Two users in the forum have reported to have tested affordable OpenBCI alternatives. None of them was successful, altouth it sould be in principle possible, sending back faulty modules if we got a working setup.
- is a product which is alive and interesting, but is OpenBCI made in China already dead and the experiment failed? Gave all the users already this experiments, since we do not know of a single success story which was reported somewhere.
- If there where products from OpenBCI made in China, would not sellers such as DFRobot picked those up in their shop?
- DFRobot for instance sells Raspberry Pi’s. Raspberry Pi’s are fabricated in Uk, but also in China. DFobot is located in China and sells also Raspberry Pi’s. And we suppose that these Raspberry Pi’s are manufactured in China. But why does DFRobot not sell OpenBCI made in China products? Since DFRobot did not find products from OpenBCI made in China which do not have any issues, which they can pick up and sell in their shop?