The Pi’s eventually go to the stock markets, how to react on it?

Last Updated on February 2, 2024 by

We observe products since several years. We made very negative experiences with products which are controlled by the stock market, and that is:

  1. the LattePanda Delta:

2. And the Dreem 2 headband:

3. As well as EEG products sold on Aliexpress.

4. And now the risk is there that Raspberry Pi’s could controlled by the stock market tomorrow.

But how to react on it?

A) We experienced that such products increase their prices as soon as they receive positive feedpack.

B) On negative feedbacks, they usually do not react, an prices stay high.

C) We only observed on Aliexpress that prices for EEG devices also drop, if they receive negative feedback, as for instance OpenBCI WIFI shields.

D) As a rool of thumb to avoid that these products shoot up their prices we give not positive feedback for those, but only negative.

E) We only mention issues these products have.

F) And that a product is controlled by the stock market is a very negative feature for users.

F) We further will mention if we give up these products.

G) We cannot review products which are controlled by the stock market without the risk to be punished with an increase in price.

H) And as a consequence we will not find a community of user for those, which is a further negative consequence.