Home Assistant and EEG devices (part II, New or old OpenBCI WIFI shield)?

Last Updated on June 4, 2022 by pg@petergamma.org

For a straightforward way to connect a first EEG device to Home Assistant, whe suggest to wait for the arrival of the new OpenBCI WIFI shield with MQTT support, which hopefully does not require a separate power source and soldering of additional electronic components for a MQTT live-stream to work issue-free.

Availablity of the new WIFI shield in the OpenBCI store?

@Shirley said on February 4 2022 in the OpenBCI forum:

«Hi Jonas,

The hardware team has put the wifi shield on the list of near-term projects. Solution testing will soon be underway. At this point we don’t know how long the fix + manufacturing of new wifi shield will take. Updates on this product will be announced via OpenBCI newsletter (be sure to sign up).




If you cannot wait, or you do not trust Shirley, since waiting for the new OpenBCI WIFI shield started on September 2020, try soldering and debugging the old OpenBCI WIFI shield.

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