Why do Migros SportXX & Galaxus Switzerland trust in GladiatorFit CH?

Last Updated on December 5, 2023 by pg@petergamma.org

GladiatorFit CH which sells curved treadmills advertises with that:


GladiatorFit CH currently offers 5 different treadmills:


But treadmills directly imported from UK are much cheaper.

«Gebogenes / gekrümmtes Laufband ohne Motor aus Stahl» from GladiatorFit CH costs CHF 3999 (without shipping)


A similar device costs in UK only CHF 2.423,51 (shipping is ca. CHF 440,84 + additional import taxes):


Are these two treadmills identical and only rebranded? A similar device is availble in US for less than 2 000 USD: