What will happen when we will have the first highly accuracy Raspberry Pi treadmill sensor?

Last Updated on November 21, 2023 by pg@petergamma.org

The chaff will be separated from the wheat? Xiaomi treadmills are the only one which are of interest for reseachers?


We can do intense testing and reviewing this device on a scientific basis and find out about all the issues it has? Then we will find out that the developers how have done this before developed treadmills without these issues and want them to sell those to medical doctors who charge their tests to bills to the health insurance companies? For whom are these «doctor toys» of interest exept for medical doctors? The only option is to build a teadmill according to our own wishes by ourselves. And we think it is not too difficult when we look at the knowledge we share here.

But still Xiaomi treadmills are a good starting point to do some experiments with those, and eventually what they can do is sufficient for our application and can be validated in a scientific paper.