Which treadmill to choose for scientific walking mediation studies?

Last Updated on November 10, 2023 by pg@petergamma.org

We suggest to choose a Xiaomi King Smith WalkingPad A1

  1. The motor can be controlled electronically in Python and Home Assistant:


  1. It offers a speed sensor
  • It is eventually inaccurate but it can be calibrated for instance with a method which is not from «fun tester» such as fellnr:


  1. If offers speeds from 0.5 to 6 km/h which is sufficient for walking meditation

4. But we still have to find our how strong the speed fluctuation is and if it affects our walking mediation study.

5. And we still miss a treadmill which is already scienitifcally validated as far as for instance speed and distance measurment accuracy is concerned, and can be used for many activities.