Last Updated on March 10, 2022 by

L. O. H. Z. Toresano, S. K. Wijaya, Prawito, A. Sudarmaji, and C. Badri connected the Data Acquisition System of 16-channel EEG Based on ATSAM3X8E ARM Cortex-M3 32-bit Microcontroller and ADS1299 to OpenBCI:

there is now a 32 channel version available of the EEG board on Aliexpress:

there is a 32 channel version of OpenBCI available from Adam Feuer (Starcat):

over which Adam Feuer connected the HackEEG device over LSL to a modified (“old, old version” William Croft, OpenBCI) version of OpenBCI.

Did Toresano write the OpenBCI interface for the 16 channel EEG Data Acquisition System? Toresano is the first author of the paper the group published about the 16 channel EEG device. According to the papers Toresano published, he seems to be an excellent programmer.

According to Google Scolar Toresano is not affiliated and has no verified email (typically for an excellent progammer who does not want that everyone writes him an e-mail):

Profile of Toresano on

Toresano is now at the Department of Information Engineering (DINFO), University of Florence, Italy, and is writing Nature papers:

A LabStreamingLayer or OpenBCI interface of the 16 / 32 Channel EEG Ads1299 EMG EEG Acquisition Module would be highly desirable. The board is currently as far as I know the most low-cost high quality 32 channel EEG device on the market, but an excellent programmer is required to write or to update an OpenBCI or LSL interface for the board.

9.3.22 9:34

For further questions, contact Toresano, PhD.:

Eventually, Toresano can help you with the update.

9.3.22 16:52

Did someone recently receive any signs of life from La Ode Husein Zilullah Toresano? I did not receive any. Does Toresano a meditation retreat with his EEG setup?

9.3.22 20:34

I could not find a GITHUB where Toresano offers code, for instance the interface of the 16 channel EEG device to OpenBCI. What are his plans with his software? He does not sell a product, either. If he wants to sell a product, it is better to do it fast, before it is dead. Or does he only want to sell himself?


Toresano is also staff member of the Universitas Indonesia:

La Ode Husein Zilullah Toresano, M.Si.:
Department of Physics | Instrumentation
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science (FMIPA)
Universitas Indonesia

Or did Toresano forgot to delete his profile there?

10.3.22 13:56

You can try to contact the research group who wrote the paper about the EEG board through the contact form of the Universitas Indonesia:

But I received no response.

10.3.22 16:32

If someone finds a PhD. position in Florence and is coautor of Nature papers, can he afford to let go the support of an EEG device series which could be interesting for the worldwide scientific community? Support does not mean that he has to support it himself. But it does mean that he for instance is selling the interface he developed or he publishes it on a GITHUB page. Leave a comment.

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