What we miss from the Quantified Scientist Rob ter Horst (part II)

Last Updated on August 14, 2023 by pg@petergamma.org

If the Quantified Scientist Rob ter Horst would publish data which are not clickbait, not sponsored, unbiased data with no conflict of interest, numerical and statistical data which can be verified with protocols which can be reproduced and are published on a Wiki page about a certain heart rate monitor, then others could verify his data, and we eventually we would have numercial and statistical data which can be compared, the quality of heart rate monitor accuracy studies would increase.

Then we would be not far from a paper which could be written from these data as well. We where also able to use the heart rate monitors the Quantified Scientist Rob ter Horst and his co-testers test for scientific purposes. But if Rob does not do it, maybe other testers will do it.