Last Updated on July 31, 2023 by
In the store we find devices like Greentek Gelfree EEG cap & ThinkPulse active electrodes. All of these products cached our attention, because they suggested us to offer solutions to problems we have. But are these helpful scientific devices? If these where helpful for scientists, would they not use those in scientific papers ? But we hardly know of papers which uses these products, altough they are on the market since several years.
- We have the paper: “Towards conductive-gel-free electrodes”:
but can it convince us to buy a Greentek gelfree EEG cap?
OpenBCI Galea advertises that “conductive polymer active electrodes are the centerpiece of the world’s most comfortable dry EEG system”.
But this is only an advertisement and not confirmed by others. And we do not know anything about the signal quality of the conductive polymer active electrodes in the Galea. And we do not know of any other consumer grade EEG device which use conductive polymer active electrodes.
We can find papers about conductive polymer active electrodes:
also on Google Scholar:,5
But we still only know the OpenBCI Galea who uses conductive polymer active electrodes, and eventually the g.sahara hybrid: