Psilocybin, brain stimulation or practicing meditation to become happy?

Last Updated on August 3, 2023 by

A) Experienced meditator and Zen priest Vanja Palmers who spent 10 years meditating in a Buddhist monastery talked about psilocybin, which was a research project in Zurich in 2015:

In this presentation, Vanja gives a talk at the Swiss medical association for psycholytic medicine. The Psilocybin project in Zurich is a clinical study which lasts since many years. Vanja says an LSD experience changed his life, and only later on he went for 10 years to a Buddhist monastery:

“Vanja Palmers is concerned with the rehabilitation of those substances that gave his life a fundamentally new, expanded perspective, within the framework of scientific or therapeutic applications.”

LSD can change someone s life, but also spontaneous experiences as Osho or Sadhguru had it.

B) Experienced meditator Cody Rall MD with Techforpsych with 10 years of experience in reviewing devices for meditators lets stimulate his brain in Los Angeles:

Coady reviewed many EEG devices for meditators. But can we use those for clinical or research application, and measure an effect with those, which is also accepted by Richard Davidson? Unfortunately, the effect of practicing meditation as studied by Richard Davidsons group is not yet clinically validated in Switzerland, so that it could be prescribed by medical doctors. Richard Davidsons says, 20 min of daily practice is sufficient to have an objectively measurable effect, but well-known spiritual leaders as Yogi Bhjan, Thích Nhất Hạnh and the Dalai Lama the 14. recommend to meditate for at least 4 hours daily.

C) The Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS) found that practicing breath meditation assisted by a Garmin Fenix 6 is helpful to become happy.

Unfortunately, we do not have any other devices to measure physiological data (except for the Muse Headband with the Mind Monitor which we didn t use in our study), nor brain scanners in the Meditation Reserach Institute Switzerland (MRIS) near Zurich:

The MRIS thinks Psilocybin and brain stimulation are helpful tools to induce experiences which are also described by experienced meditators. But is Psilocybin or brain stimulation a tool which is helpful to be used on a daily basis? For some people, eventually yes. But still the MRIS endorse long-term studies with meditators to have a deeper knowledge about the effect of meditation to get a healty mind, a healthy brain as suggested by the Dalai Lama te 14.