Mango Pi MQ quatt running Armbian – new review, issues remain

Last Updated on April 25, 2023 by

  • It is highly desirable to have alternatives to the Raspberry Pi zero 2 w, which has issues as well, as for instance price instability, little RAM, slow processor.
  • Is the Mango Pi MQ quatt is an alternative?

What fits our needss

  • DSI touch connector

We have critizised NicoD’s single board computers review for basically only showing speed tests and hardly showing any apps running on this device:

Now Explaining computers made another review about the device where we can see more about it.

resolved issues:

  • full demo of Armbian on Mango Pi MQ quat which all the menus and some apps.
  • NicoD’s claimed in his review that web browsers don ‘t work
  • Explaining Computers shows that the pre-installed Dillo web browser works

Issues which for us remain:

  • video playback: no comment
  • Dillo web browser is slow
  • What is about Dillo and demanding web pages as Amazon?
  • does only the Dillo web browser work? What about other web browsers?
  • And what is about installing new software as for instance LibreOffice?
  • does somebody work with this device as a daily driver? Please write your user report in the comments below
  • It has a DSI touch connetor, but is there a demo that it works?
  • Can the touch control of the device compete with the Raspberry Pi 3 as shown in this example:
  • apps open up very very slowly. for instance Inkscape
  • GIMP takes 53 sec to open
  • The Mango Pi MQ pro is not an alternative to the Raspberry Pi zero 2 w, but eventually to the Raspberry Pi zero w.

Can we for instance install LibreOffice on the Mango Pi MQ quatt, as it is demonstrated here for the Raspberry Pi Zero W:

  • But Kajidataonline shows us also only the installation of LibreOffice, but not it’s function, can we work with LibreOffice on the Raspberr Pi zero w?

We had some issues with installing LibreOffice on the PinePhone, and the question arrises, whether it is not better to use Abiword and Gnumeric on low powered single board computer, as a PinePhone user suggested.

OS support

  • Arbmian with Xfce desktop

Has the Armbian image for RISC-V made progess?