Last Updated on April 22, 2023 by
- We can see here that one of the problems Fedora on the Raspberry Pi has is, that according to the review of XeroLinux Official Fedora was not developed for SBCs as the Raspberry Pi 4:
- but it was developed for much more powerful desktop computers, where it is usually used.
- We can see here that a software engineer already tried to install Fedora on the LattePanda V1, you can find the link here:
- but we think a software engineer could to much more to get Fedora to work on a LattePanda, if he studies the resources other developers offer which developed Ubuntu and Lubuntu OS for LattePanda.
But since Fedora runs very slowly on a Raspberry Pi4, it would be highly desirable to have a more powerful SBC on which Fedora runs. The LattePanda is a good candidate for it, since it has a x86 processor which is more suitable for Fedora than the ARM based Raspberry Pi 4. LattePanda furthermore offers also devices which are much more powerful than the LattePanda V1.