Where can we find Adafruit instructions for ECG, EEG & MEG multi sensor devices?

Last Updated on April 16, 2023 by pg@petergamma.org

  • We do not know of any. But is this not the solution, or a solution which is similar to this to the issues whe described here?
  • OpenBCI is expensive. There are affordable alternatives to OpenBCI. But where is the community of happy users who uses those?
  • Single ECG, EEG and EMG sensors are affordable.
  • Biopac multi sensor devices start at 4000 USD, Biosemi 8 channel EEG at 10 000 USD. But who uses these devices for his private project or his student project?
  • We have OpenBCI products with Bluetooth transmission over a OpenBCI Bluetooth dongle to OpenBCI GUI to LabStreamingLayer to Matlab. Python users can use OpenBCI Ganglion and a OpenBCI Bluetooth dongle, BrainFlow and BrainFlow Python examples instead.
  • But do low-price guarantee and good quality developers not use single sensor components, Home Assistant, InfluxDB and Python instead?
  • Since several years we where looking for developments which attach OpenBCI to InfluxDB. But we do not know of any examples.
  • There is the example of the paper of these skilled code developers who used OpenBCI for Home Automation, with the paper:

BCI Based Home Automation using User Controlled Blink


The scientists who wrote this paper are from the

Departamento de Informática y Ciencias de la Computación, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Quito, Ecuador

and the

Smart Lab, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Quito, Ecuador

  • We are really impressed by this paper which was published in the year 2020.
  • It is a very rare example of developers who developed a setup which is interesting for us personally
  • We where suprised how difficult the path is they used for their development.
  • These developers also used an ODROID-XU4, which make these scientists to pioneers using single board computers with EEG devices.
  • Are there recently other papers of skilled coders on the university level who use OpenBCI for their developement?
  • If you are a student or if we are Scott Harden’s who develop a project on our personal website, is not better to use single sensor components for EEG, ECG and MEG and connect these sensors to InfluxDB and Python instead of using OpenBCI products?
  • There are affordable alternatives to OpenBCI. But can we be sure, that the sellers do not stock market speculations with those components?
  • Do manufacturers try to make money out of ECG, EEG and MEG multi sensor devices below the Biopac 4000 USD price?
  • If so, which one of those is really sucessful? Successful also for buyers who are interested in these devices on the long term?
  • Is it not a waist of time, if students spend time in developing projects based on Interaxon products without SDK and OpenBCI products which we do not know of happy students who use OpenBCI with a WIFI shield?
  • A waist of money and time?
  • And is it not better to invest our time in soldering ECG, EEG and MEG modules and other electronic components together by ourselves, than waisting our time with products from which we do not know if they have a future?

Since we do not know of Adafruit instructions for ECG, EEG and MEG multi sensor devices, these instruction are eventually not written yet. And if it is something which no one ever has done before, it is worth to be published in a scientific paper.