Last Updated on April 10, 2023 by
- Maybe alaraajavamma how uses the Pinephone pro:
- but what about the Pinephone?
We had issues with 3 usb-c 3th. party adapters and the Pinephone
- None of them worked.
- If you have the same issue, we suggest you to buy the PINEPHONE Pro USB-C Docking Bar:
- which is confirmed to work as far as we know only with PostmarketOS.
We had issues with usb2 adapters and the Raspberry Pi zero 2 w
- we had to test 3 devices until we found one which worked
- usb-c adpaptes, Pinephones and low power single board computers seem to be an issue.
- The issue is missing information.
- Would there be a PINEPHONE Pro USB-C Docking Bar, if every party adapter works with it?
We have information now from several devices who had issues with usb-c adapters
- This seems to depend on the device, the adapter, and the software is used. Some of these adapters offer drivers, but does someone test those and discuss those?
- is usb-c implemented in the latest distros and images?
- Low power single board computers often have only a single usb2 or a single usb-c adapter, and require an usb hub to attach keyboard and mouse.
- Several users reported to have issues doing this
- We suggest you if possible to use a usb-c shield for low power single board computers.
- If you have issues with usb-c adapters, try an usb-c shield with your low power single board computer.
- The problem should not be there for devices likeb the Orange Pi5 who has integrated usb-c apdapters.
- But the advantages of low power single board computers “of the zero type” that they have a great battery life.