Demos of Radxa zero running Kali Linux & Orange Pi 5 running Armbian

Last Updated on April 8, 2023 by

Radxa zero running Kali Linux:

  • It is the best demo we could find for the Radxa zero to evaluate it for our application, but is it worth it to further evaluate it?
  • It is only the Kali Linux menues and game demos running on emulator software.

Is software development difficult for the Radxa zero?

Orange Pi 5 running Armbian (first demo):

  • Armbian is a Linux OS, but is it used only by demo makers and not used by users yet?
  • This demo shows mainly games.
  • YouTube playback does not run smoothly.

Is Armbian on the Orange Pi5 mainly for developers?

But if so, is developement for a Orange PI5 with Armbian not one of the best devices to choose which is currently on the market?

Orange Pi 5 running Armbian (second demo):

  • Orange Pi 5 A:
  • audio in/out available
  • m2 slot for SSD available
  • capacitor fell off probably for ethernet
  • demo device has 8 GB RAM
  • Chromium browser is used
  • The demo shows a Orange Pi5 A
  • but there is also an Orange Pi 5 B which is a cost reduced, and the cheapest:
  • no MVNE
  • only eMMC
  • no WIFI /Bluetooth
  • cheapest of the very powerful ARM RK3588S device boards
  • “S” is a cost down processor
  • Bluetooth and WIFI needs an additional dongle

  • Aquarium graphics demo looks great, graphics processor unit works with chromium
  • YouTube video playback runs smoothly
  • Chief Armbian developer Ricardo works in South America on the development of Armbian during a vacation, but also when he is not on a vacation. Nice to get to know who is working on Armbian
  • With other devices for instance for the Raxda zero we do not know if there is any substantial developement.
  • to play 4k YouTube videos works pretty well, but it does only use the CPU and not the GPU for it, what is wrong?
  • These examples show that high resolution graphics playback works which chromium, YouTube playback works smoothly, there are menues with many apps , but we do not know about demos for desktop applications for Armbian, only on Ubuntu Orange, but why should these applications not work on Armbian, too?
  • The Orange Pi5 in this demo with Armian runs similar to a deskto PC which is great, but needs to be tested.
  • We have to live what currently is developed for these, and what works is often shown very fast on YouTube.
  • And if it is not shown on YouTube, does this mean that it does not work?
  • On the other hand, who is interested in Armbian on the Orange Pi5? We doubt that Rob ter Horst is interested in it, but we think it is a failure.
  • For the Orange Pi5 there are many demos available on YouTube, which show how the device works for other OS and other applications.
  • We saw a YouTuber who was very happy with his Orange Pi5 after he was unhappy with his Raspberry Pi 4:

We observed that there is also stock market speculation with the Orange Pi5, it started with a low price, then it was about 120 USD, we complained, the next day it was 90 USD, then again it was 120 USD, so this seems to be also a device which stock market speculation is done with. We will withdraw if the price get´s too high.

After we went through the video we think that for evaluating this device for our purpose it is worth to test it, but only as long as it does not become the second Raspberry Pi 4 which is very expensive and hardly available.