Low cost high quality EEG devices based on the Texas Instruments ADS1299 are dead, long live prix garantie EEG devices based on InfluxDB?

Last Updated on April 7, 2023 by pg@petergamma.org

  • We find again and again new demos for EEG devices
  • Is this caused by our journal?

A new Raspberri Py EEG hat called “PiEEG” is reviewed by Jean-Luc Aufranc from CNXSoft:


But we already have:

1. OpenBCI from www.OpenBCI.com

2. OpenBCI from Aliexpress

3. HackEEG from Adam Feuer

4. Unicorn Blakc from g.tec medical

5. Epoc Flex 32 from Emotiv

6. 16/32 ADS1299 board sold on Aliexpress

7. Muse 1, Muse 2, and Muse S from Interaxon

6. and now we additionally have PiEEG

Where these devices triggered by the Meditation Reserach Institute Switzerland (MRIS)? We currently don´t use EEG devices to study and practice meditation, and we tested only Interaxon devices by ourselves to this date, which we don´t use either.

  • We don t even read what this new EEG device based on Raspberry Pi is about.
  • Aren´t there already enough EEG devices on the market, especially such based on the ADS1299 by Texas Instruments?
  • There are so many EEG device which want to proof to us with comparison tables, that they are the cheapest on the market, which they aren´t, as for instance now the PiEEG with a table which looks as if it was a modified HackEEG comparison table, who claims again that this device is the most affordable device, which it is not.

We have introduced the concept of the “Prix Garantie” EEG devices:

  • Who want´s to compare prices for EEG devices until the end of his life?

Developers of new EEG devices based on the TI’s ADS1299 again and again claim to have the most affordable device, but keep silent about the most inexpensive solution which is based on single component EEG chips and InfluxDB:

  • Are EEG devices based on InfluxDB and Python not the most affordable one´s with the potential to have the largest community? The example of Home Assistant shows how creative developers can be if platforms are open and affordable.
  • The concept of a “prix garantie” EEG devices means an EEG device which has the lowest price and has a warranty for this.
  • This saves a lot of time for EEG device users who do not have to compare EEG devices anymore, since they know which one are “prix garantie”
  • The more affordable the EEG devices are, the bigger the community of developers becomes, as for instance the community of single board computer developers and Home Assistant developers proofs.

Are the lowest prices for OpenBCI modules linked to the prices of single EEG chips? If so, then the most affordable EEG devices will remain the devices which are based on single components, which preferentially are attached to InfluxDB. Are currently not software examples for single component EEG chips missing and how to attach those to InfluxDB missing? Do we not have already enough EEG hats and demos?