Why do we not have an example how to connect TGAM EEG modules to InfluxDB?

Last Updated on April 6, 2023 by pg@petergamma.org

Since several years we are reviewing EEG devices, but the Meditation Resarch Institute Switzerland (MRIS) does not use any, since we did not find an EEG device which is attractive for us personally. We currently use only a Garmin Fenix 6 for breath meditation with target breath rate 12. 12 is the only value the device is accurate, you cannot do any calculations with it.

But since several years we observed that researchers from Indonesia, India and South America are also interested in low-cost high quality physiological sensor devices. And they wrote great papers about this topic.

Therefore we invite researchers from these countries, but also researchers from all other countries who are sharing the same interest with us to develop new EEG devices which are based on single TGAM EEG modules and InfluxDB. A TGAM module can be found on Aliexpress for 30 USD:


you find eventually cheaper sensor from another seller. Connect it to InfluxDB, connect a second TGAM module to InfluxDB to have a 2 sensors EEG device, and continue the development up to 256 channel EEG, to replace expensive EEG devices.

Should EEG devices not also be attractive for their users and not only for the manufacturers? The approach described here could solve this problem. You can find many resources in this journal how to do this.

But we are physiologists, and not soft- and hardware developers, and we do not have any plans for own soft- and hardware developement. Bu we invite EEG developers interested in the approch described here to write papers about this topic. We are happy to review and cite those in our journal, if they appear. Please send us an e-mail and inform us about those, so we can review your paper.