Which is the most powerful single board computer on the market?

Last Updated on April 5, 2023 by pg@petergamma.org

Is it the ARM single board computer RK3588 SOC?

It is not easy to find a shop who sells it, but we can buy it on Aliexpress:


It is time that Jean-Luc Aufranc from CNXSoft tests it’s power efficiency, as he did it with the Raspberry Pi zero 2W:


and NicoD’s SBCs shows us on his YouTube channel how to install Ubuntu 22.04 on it

as he did show us how to install Manjaro on a Raxda Zero, so that we can share folder with Windows 11 from it:

Or is the device so power hungry that we need a car battery to power it? And is this the reason why these things which are highly desirable that they happen not already happened?