The future of Raxda zero software developement?

Last Updated on April 2, 2023 by

The example in this video is for us personally one of the best examples which shows what software runs on the Raxda zero:

. It uses a Box86 is an emulator for x86 tools on ARM Linux systems, allowing such systems to execute video games and other programs that have been compiled for x86 Linux systems. Box86 also has limited support for running Wine, allowing users to run x86 Windows apps on ARM devices like the Raspberry Pi.

But are there any further examples for this software, and has somebody already reviewed about this? And what about the software running on the Raxda Zero off-road PC:

Is it also software which runs on an emulator Box86? Starting from the demo video above, we think development could continue with the mentioned tools and software. But who will do this?

ETA PRIME shows some emulated games on the device:

  • He shows also a 7 inch demo with Android
  • he proposed to build a handheld from it.
  • We checked the projects which currently are available for this device, but we know of only a view.