Radxa Zero & Home Assistant – will this ever work?

Last Updated on March 31, 2023 by pg@petergamma.org

The Radxa Zero would be a great platform for Home Assistant. Armbian is listed as supported, so this should work:


The device is not very well known, but it is actively developed in Radxa Zero forum. There are already Radxa Zero projects with Debian & AndroidOS, as mobile computer and a handheld project based on Android OS, and there is an installation instruction for Manjarao.

Altough it is powerful, the radxa zero has less power consumption than Raspberry Pi zero W2, but is as powerful as a Raspberry Pi4. I have reviewed the available information on my personal web site. If someone is interested to use it for Home Assistant, the information can be found there.

I think the Radxa Zero would be a great platform for Home Assistant, is uses little power and can eventually also be used for mobile applications. It is highly desirable that Home Assistant runs on it.

It is Raspberry Pi zero pin compatible, so the Ethernet adapter of the zero should work as well for this device.
