A g.tec medical Unicorn Black Python API for 400 USD & an ECG Toolbox from iWorx for 1000 USD which allows no scripting?

Last Updated on February 8, 2023 by pg@petergamma.org

Unicorn Black EEG Python API is 400 USD:


the iWorx ECG toolbox which allows now scripting is 1000 USD.

Paul van Gents HeartPy is open source and free.

Companies who want to make money out of physiological sensor devices are sometimes difficult to understand. Python software usually is free, but not the Unicorn Black Python API.

An iWorx ECG toolbox for 1000 USD which allows no scripting? Iworx says, scripting harms ECG toolboxes, but cannot convince us with these arguments.

Most of the physiological devices we discussed here can also be build by yourself. OpenBCI started this and BITalino started this. But then they seemed to try to make money out of these devices. But at the same time, costs for hardware and software continues to drop, but not from www.OpenBCI.com and from BITalino. www.OpenBCI.com and BITalino was started with the motivation to reduce costs for these devices, but stopped it then.

We have the same motivation. This makes building such devices more interesting, altough it is a path full of stones and progresses only slowly if we are physiologists. But what are the alternatives? None of those is interesting for us personally.