Which EEG caps to choose for meditation researchers without a research grant to start with?

Last Updated on February 7, 2023 by pg@petergamma.org

Building EEG caps from scratch is relatively easy. There are questions to answer, is it worth to use an EEG cap to determine sleep data? Or is Muse S or an OpenBCI headband with 8 channels enough for this purpose. If we want data for a scientific paper, we should ask ourselves to choose a cap from Greentek sensors, since they look good. But we do not know if they have already been used in scientific papers. Have they already been used in the papers of Krisztián Hofstädter? We have not yet studied those. We suggest to study Kristians papers by yourself on researchgate.net:


But if we are looking for a research grant, we suggest to study the literature, to build an EEG device from scratch, attach it to InfluxDB, and to choose EEG software which is well established in the scientific literature.