Dr. Thomas Wyss is deputy Rector of the Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM:

- He is last author for the paper:
«RR interval signal quality of a heart rate monitor and an ECG Holter at rest and during exercise»?
- Rob ter Horst, scientific smartwatch accuracy validator uses this paper has his main paper to juistify the choice of his Polar H10 chest strap as reference device:
But is quality of this paper sufficient for this purpose?
And is Dr. Thomas Wyss :
- with a degree as a sport teacher of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich 1997 – 2006
- and a Doktor (Ph.D.), Physiologie (Ph.D.) 2007 – 2010 from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich
- qualified enough as a scientist to write papers which then will be used by scientists such as Rob ter Horst to validate more than 100 smartwatches scientifically?:
What do you think when you look at Thomas Wyss papers on www.reserachgate.net?:
Thomas Wyss used only a Holter ECG device for 1 700 USD for his paper to compare the Polar H10 to ECG:
Peter Gamma from www.petergamma.org invites further scientists to do scientific studies about the Polar H10.
For instance those who own a Schiller C200 ECG teadmill for 23 000 USD:
Or own a g.tec multi-purpose device for 50 000 USD:
An to repeat scientific tests and papers which have been done previously after closely looking at what we have written here:
«Things scientists & medical doctors need to know about smartwatch accucacy tests: Rob ter Horst, YouTube video maker of the YouTube channel “The Quantified Scientist” versus Milind Desai, Cardiologist at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio»: